Posts Tagged ‘Knitted Rose’

Passap Knitted Rose by Ricki Mundstock, Knitted Cala Lily



This Rose was knitted on the Passap and you can knit it on any machine. It is a pattern by Ricki Mundstock. You can find the directions at this link.


I used two strands of 2/24 . I think it would look nice on a headband, purse or as a pinned flower on a sweater .

The Cala Lilly is from another book and I can’t put my hands on the book to tell you who wrote the pattern. Still not organized! lol I believe there was a mistake in the directions for the top of the lily. I did not knit a stem but it would not be hard and there would be no leaves on the lily so that is less work. I am going to do the Cala Lily on the Brother in wool and felt it. I am sure it will come out really soft and pretty and no visible stitches. Stay tuned for that.(If I can find the pattern again!) lol
